A Sign of the Times

Recommended by
My review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/fiction/2024/20240821-SignTimes.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 192

Recommended by
An average issue, with interesting stories by Fiona Moore, Amal Singh, Lettie Prell and Ken Liu.
Full review at [ https://bookwyrm.social/user/sohkamyung/review/373246/s/an-average-issue-of-clarkesworld ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 193

Recommended by
An average issue of Clarkesworld, with interesting stories by M. L. Clark, Alan Kubatiev and Gregory Feeley, and a disturbing story involving family abuse by Thomas Ha.
Full review at [ https://bookwyrm.social/user/sohkamyung/review/392987/s/an-average-issue-of-clarkesworld ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 194

Recommended by
A better than average issue, with interesting stories by Isabel J. Kim, Nadia Afifi, Yang Wanqing and Ann LeBlanc.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20221124-Clarkesworld194.html ] or [ https://bookwyrm.social/user/sohkamyung/review/532240/s/a-better-than-average-issue ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 195

Recommended by
An average issue, with interesting stories by Ben Berman Ghan, S.L. Huang, Lu Ban and Vandana Singh.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20221211-Clarkesworld195.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 197

Recommended by
A good issue of Clarkesworld, with fascinating stories by Samantha Murray, Eric Schwitzgebel, R. P. Sand and Gu Shi.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20230209-Clarkesworld197.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 198

Recommended by
A better than average issue, with good stories by Bo Balder, Angela Liu, Fiona Moore, Shih-Li Kow and Isabel J. Kim.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20230309-Clarkesworld198.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 199

Recommended by
An average issue, with interesting stories by L Chan, Andrea Kriz, Shi Heiyao and Rajan Khanna.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20230406-Clarkesworld199.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 202

Recommended by
A better than average issue, with interesting stories by Marie Vibbert, Bo Balder, Brenda W. Clough and Davian Aw.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20230710-Clarkesworld202.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 203

Recommended by
An average issue, with interesting stories by Stephen Case, Thomas Ha and M. J. Pettit.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20230807-Clarkesworld203.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 204

Recommended by
A better than average issue with an interesting mathematical based story by Arula Ratnakar and a loving story of a different kind of robotic servant by RJ Taylor.
Full review at my website [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20230903-Clarkesworld204.html ].

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 205

Recommended by
An average issue, with interesting stories by Suzanne Palmer, David Goodman, Amal Singh and a humorous story by Michael Swanwick.
Full review at my website [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20231003-Clarkesworld205.html ]

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 207

Recommended by
A better than average issue, with interesting stories by Fiona Moore, Ng Yi-Sheng and Fu Qiang.
Full review at my website [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20231206-Clarkesworld207.html ].

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 208

Recommended by
An interesting issue with good stories by Cécile Cristofari, Alexandra Munck, Chi Hui and E.N. Auslender.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20240106-Clarkesworld208.html ].

Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 209

Recommended by
An average issue, with interesting stories by Zohar Jacobs and Yang Wanqing. Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Clarkesworld/20240209-Clarkesworld209.html ].

Commodore Vic 20 A Visual History

Recommended by
A fantastic book about the VIC20, one of the early home computers that helped to launch the home computer revolution. The book covers the various versions of the computer created for different markets and includes notes and anecdotes from some of the creators of the computer, who had to overcome obstacles in their path in creating the computer.


Recommended by
Another interesting Hard SF read by Egan. It's not as mind-bending or physics-bending as his "Orthogonal" series but contains intriguing ideas and characters. In contrast to his previous books where the characters slowly learn (and educate the reader about) the physics of their environment, here they are already well versed in the strange (to us) geometry of their universe and its consequences.


Recommended by
A fascinating tale set in a world where people are physically separated into six factions. To one faction, members of other factions can be physically invisible. But now a deadly disease called the Dispersion is affecting their bodies, making them become part of another faction. And it's up to a group of scientists to figure out how their world works and how the Dispersion affects them.

F&SF, March/April 2020

Recommended by
A better than average issue with good tales by Matthew Hughes, Gregor Hartmann, Amanda Hollander, Elizabeth Bear and a fantastic tale involving thinking mechanicals beings by Ian Tregillis.

Fantasy & Science Fiction, January/February 2019

Recommended by
An about average issue, with mostly 'mild' fantasy stories (mild in the sense that there is minimal magic involved). Among those that stood out for me are the ones by Carrie Vaughn, Sean McMullen and Pip Coen.
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