Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to some of the most common questions readers have about our service.

If you have a problem that isn't answered here, feel free to contact We'll get back to you asap!

How do I add ebooks to my library?

Once you've created an account and logged-in, select Upload Books.

Books & comics must be DRM-free and in ePub, Mobi, PRC, PDF, CBZ, or CBR format. Your books may take a few minutes to be processed, before appearing in your library and personal Activity stream.

If there are any issues processing your books, you will receive an e-mail detailing the problem. And you will always receive an e-mail report after uploading a Zip file.

Remember: Libreture does not condone piracy of any kind.
This service exists to provide readers with a means to store legitimately purchased or received e-books. In doing so, we hope to help authors, presses and publishers produce more great titles and support DRM-free bookshops in getting them to us.

Why is the description missing from some of my book pages?

Libreture scans the files you upload for information about the book. If the book file doesn't contain all the data, those missing bits won't appear on you book pages, and you may see things like Unknown Author.

This doesn't affect how Libreture works. But to add missing information, you can:

  • Edit your book on Libreture to add the missing information.
  • Use an ebook management application such as Calibre to ensure the metadata of the ebook is complete, and then upload it to your Libreture library.

None of my book pages show where I bought the books. Why is this?

When you upload ebooks to your Libreture library, you can select where you bought them from. If the shop where you purchased your ebook, digital comic, magazine, or RPG is not listed, email me at and I'll add it to the list.

If you upload lots of ebooks from many different sources all at once, you can Edit the book's page later to select the relevant bookshop. Again, if the shop is not in the list, email me.

When I make my library public, does that mean other people can download my books?

No. You can make your library publicly visible, so others can see information about your book collection, but nobody can download your books except you.

Am I breaking some law somewhere in the world by uploading my books to Libreture.

It is highly unlikely that storing your books in an online library is breaking any law anywhere. Storing your books doesn't constitute sharing them, and Libreture does not condone piracy in any form.

Why can't I import my Goodreads data?

Libreture is an ebook storage facility, so the data it uses is directly from the books you upload. It does not support additional data about books that are not being stored.

Why can't I find a particular book when searching for it?

It's likely because nobody has uploaded and made publicly visible the book you are searching for.

Libreture searches for books by title, author name, or ISBN from publicly visible libraries.

Why don't I get a bunch of fancy additional features if I'm paying for an account?

Libreture is built with fairness at its core. We believe that it is fairer to make every features available to every user - even those with a free account, so that all you pay for is storage space. This helps keep costs down for everyone and makes Libreture fun to use for all.

What does Wishlisting do?

If you come across a particular book you might like in someone else's library, you can add it to your Wishlist.

Your wishlist can be used as a little reminder of books you plan to buy or want to take a closer look at.

If I keep my library private, does this disadvantage me?

Not at all, but it means that other users cannot see your books, favourites, or recommendations, and perhaps get interested and go buy them!

If you do choose to make your library public, you can still hide individual books. They'll never be visible, regardless of your library settings.

Take a look at our Privacy Policy

How do I change the status of my books?

Record your reading activity by changing the status of individual books.

You can change the status of each book by selecting from the Reading Status list on a book's page, such as Currently Reading, Read, To Read, etc. Your book will then appear in the relevant list, and the action recorded in your Activity Stream (eg. My Activity).

Can other people see the ebooks I own?

When you first join Libreture, your Library is always private.

You can change this at any time by selecting Make my library public from your menu. You can hide it again by selecting Make my library private.

Leave your library private to keep your reading activity hidden along with what books you have in your library.

This means nobody can even see that you have a Libreture account. It's your own private library.

Making your library public means your library and reading activity are visible to others, and means you can share book information and activity posts through social media.

Book files are NEVER shared with others.
Libreture does not condone piracy - it harms authors, publishers and readers.

To exclude individual books from ever being publicly visible, regardless of your library setting, select Make Private on an individual book's page.

Private libraries and books never appear in public lists or activity feeds.

Downloading your books

To download any of your books, simply visit the individual book page and select Download.

This also works from most e-readers if they have a built-in web browser. Log-in to Libreture from your e-reader's web browser and download the book as normal. Books are only available to download in the format they were uploaded.

Can I use Reading Apps with Libreture?

You can use any OPDS-compatible reading apps to access your Libreture library and download your ebooks direct to your favourite device.

OPDS (or Open Publication Distribution System) is like RSS for books. It's a way to distribute, discover, and download electronic publications. If you use a device that supports OPDS, you can connect your device directly to your Libreture account (among many others) and access your ebooks through your device.

Here's a list of OPDS-compatible reading software.

Learn more about getting your ebooks on to your device.

How do I get more space for my ebooks?

Need a bigger bookshelf for all your awesome ebooks? You can upgrade your storage to suit your needs.

The free account provides enough storage for an average ebook collection... but you're not the average reader, are you? No, you're gonna need to upload a shelf-load more ebooks. Luckily we can provide A LOT more storage.

Choose a new storage amount from your Account page. Under Upgrade my Storage, you'll find how much space you're currently using and your limit, along with what storage options are available to switch to. You'll only see options that provide as much or more storage than you currently use - so you may need to remove books before you can downgrade to a cheaper option with a smaller capacity.

When you've chosen a suitable option, select Change Storage and enter your payment details if requested. All done!

Now it's time to upload MORE BOOKS!

When does my payment renew?

If you've upgraded your storage, Libreture automatically collects the subscription fee on or near the monthly anniversary of your join date.

Your renewal date is date on which you first started paying.

If there are any problems with your payment, you will receive an automated e-mail from the payment provider.

How do I delete individual ebooks?

Deleting a book permanently removes all information about the book and the file itself from your library.

Select Delete this book from the book's page. Any data connected to your book is also deleted, so please use this facility carefully.

How do I delete my Libreture account?

You can close and delete your Libreture account at any time.

Select Delete Account from the Edit Account page.

This PERMANENTLY DELETES ALL YOUR BOOKS, associated information and personal details from Libreture at the end of your subscription month. There is no way of recovering it. This is to ensure your details are always safe from prying - if we don't need to store your details, we shouldn't have them at all.

Your payment will not be taken at the next renewal date. Your account will remain open and accessible until then. If you change your mind, please contact us.

If you have a problem that isn't answered here, feel free to contact We'll get back to you asap!


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Readers are storing 19,170 ebooks, digital comics & magazines with Libreture.

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Store your DRM-free ebooks, track your reading, and discover DRM-free bookshops.

Readers are storing 19,170 DRM-free ebooks with Libreture.