The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December 2022 cover image.
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The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December 2022



Shirley / Sacrificial Drones; Hsyu / Optimist Cleaver’s Last Transmission; Ellis / Crypt Currency; Wilson / To Carve Home In Your Bones; Evans / Though The Heavens Fall; North / The Shotgun Lucifer; Cruz-Borja / Child Of Two Worlds; Miller / Iconophobe; Flores / Skin Of The Beast; Miles / Santa Knows; Gonzales / Water Music; Sidell / Cauldron; Sidell / Queen Of Cups; Jones / Familiar; Sturner / Final Gathering; Sturner / From Below; Thomas / Editorial; de Lint / Books; West / Books; Sallis / Books; Sorg / Numbers; Oltion / Science; Weise / Curiosities

sohkamyung recommends
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, November/December 2022
by The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

A good issue with mostly interesting and wonderful stories, some related to the holidays. I especially enjoyed the stories by John Shirley, Vida Cruz-Borja, J. C. Hsyu, Sara Ellis, Alexander Flores and Jo Miles.

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  • EPUB format
  • Publisher: Spilogale, Inc.
  • Published: 1 Nov 2022
  • File Size 3.0 MB


  • Added 9 Nov 2022

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