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Life Beyond Us



How would first contact—on earth, in space, on another planet—transform our understandings of technology, philosophy, and what it means to be human? What kind of cognitive dissonance would society experience, if we discovered a previously unrecognized sentience on Earth?
What would life be like if it originated in a frigid ocean beneath an impenetrable shell of ice? Or on a world whose haze obscures any view of the universe beyond? Or on an unfathomable scale in the depths of space? Or . . .
Life—beyond us.
Dive in as the European Astrobiology Institute presents fifty-four original SF Stories and Science Essays on life, from microbial to macro, from automatic to sagacious. Each speculative story is followed by a professional essay illuminating the scientific underpinnings of the story and providing a new window into the cutting-edge knowledge about exploration for life in the universe.
SF STORIES BY: Eugen Bacon, Gregory Benford, Renan Bernardo, Jana Bianchi, Tobias S. Buckell, Eric Choi, Julie E. Czerneda, Tessa Fisher, Simone Heller, Valentin D. Ivanov, Mary Robinette Kowal, Lisa Jenny Krieg (translated by Simone Heller), Geoffrey A. Landis, Rich Larson, Liu Yang (translated by Ladon Gao), Lucie Lukačovičová, Premee Mohamed, G. David Nordley, Malka Older, Deji Bryce Olukotun, Tomáš Petrásek, Brian Rappatta, Arula Ratnakar, D.A. Xiaolin Spires, Bogi Takács, Peter Watts, and B. Zelkovich.
SCIENCE ESSAYS BY: Jacques Arnould, William Bains, José A. Caballero, Dimitra Demertzi, Martina Dimoska, Tessa Fisher, Dennis Höning, Valentin D. Ivanov, Fabian Klenner, Nina Kopacz, Geoffrey A. Landis, Natuschka Lee, Ania Losiak, Stephen Francis Mann, Connor Martini, Tony Milligan, Philippe Nauny, Julie Nováková, Erik Persson, Tomáš Petrásek, Joanna Piotrowska, Giovanni Poggiali, Amedeo Romagnolo, Stefano Sandrelli, Floris van der Tak, Jan Toman, Sheri Wells-Jensen, and Raymond M. Wheeler
FOREWORD BY: Julie Nováková
AFTERWORDS BY: Wolf D. Geppert; Lucas K. Law & Susan Forest
EDITED BY: Julie Nováková, Lucas K. Law & Susan Forest
FIC028040 FICTION/Science Fiction/Collections & Anthologies
FIC028090 FICTION/Science Fiction/Alien Contact
SCI098000 SCIENCE/Space Science/General
THEMA SUBJECTS:  Short Stories; Science Fiction: Space Exploration; Science Fiction: Near-Future; Speculative Fiction
KEYWORDS: space science; first contact; alien technology; new futures; intergalactic adventures; sci-fi odyssey; space colonization

sohkamyung recommends
Life Beyond Us
by Laksa Media Groups

Stories that I found interesting in the anthology were by Eric Choi, Geoffrey A. Landis, Rich Larson, Lisa Jenny Krieg, Tobias S. Buckell, Valentin D. Ivanov, Gregory Benford, Peter Watts, Simone Heller and Mary Robinette Kowal.

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  • EPUB format
  • ISBN 9781988140490
  • Publisher: Laksa Media Groups Inc.
  • Published: 8 Nov 2022
  • File Size 5.3 MB


  • Added 20 Jan 2023

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