Interzone #295
INTERZONE #295 features fiction by Seán Padraic Birnie, Rachael Cupp, Frank Dumas, Stephanie Lane Gage, Jendia Gammon, Ai Jiang, Jonathan Laidlow, Edward R. Morris, Nozaki Mado, Katie McIvor, H. Pueyo, Amal Singh, R.L. Summerling, Corey J. White, Aigner Loren Wilson; non-fiction by Gautam Bhatia, Alexander Glass, Kelly Jennings, Paul Kincaid, David Langford, Nick Lowe, Val Nolan, and Aliya Whiteley; and art by Carly A-F, Martin Hanford, Emma Howitt, Dante Luiz, Juliana Pinho, Vinayak Varma, and Richard Wagner.

sohkamyung recommends
Interzone #295
by Gareth Jelley
An average issue with interesting stories by Amal Singh, Katie McIvor, Corey J. White, Frank Dumas.
Full review at [ https://sohkamyung.github.io/reviews/magazines/Interzone/20230915-Interzone295.html ].
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- EPUB format
- Publisher: MYY Press
- File Size 6.4 MB
- Added 6 Sep 2023