The Town
Kate knows what she saw on the satellite footage: the burnt out remains of a town. But she was drunk, the evidence is gone and nobody believes it was ever there. Determined to prove it at any cost, in poking around the outback Kate risks exposing herself and her friends to a slew of horrible urban legends, sinister locals, and the mystery of too many people who have vanished over the years.

kevin recommends
The Town
by BP Gregory
The Town is a fucking rollercoaster of a ride.
This Australian horror is written in a kind of jarring prose. The story is brilliant, terrifying, and utterly refuses to share its secrets with you.
On finishing this book, I promise that the first words out of your mouth will be "WHAT THE FUCK!".
Reminds me of books by China Miéville, John Langan, and Michael Marshall Smith.
Get it now!
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- Added 2 Apr 2018