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The Lost Steersman



The steerswoman Rowan knows that the fall of the Guidestar and the massacre of Outskirter tribes were caused by one man: the secret master-wizard, Slado. Now, to find him, she comes to Alemeth, where centuries of records might provide clues in her search. But when death from the wildlands invades sleepy Alemeth, Rowan has new, urgent questions, and cannot wait for answers to act...

kevin recommends
The Lost Steersman
by Rosemary Kirstein

A very different book to the previous two in the series.

The Lost Steersman takes a different turn about half-way through, where the scope and scale of the world and its inhabitants undergoes another astonishing twist.

I got a definite Jane Goodall vibe from this book. Our understanding of the steerswomen grows in this wonderful instalment in a fantastic and surprising series. Loved it!

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  • File Size 684.7 KB


  • Added 26 Nov 2017

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