The Blue Blazes cover image.
DRM-free Available from Chuck Wendig

The Blue Blazes



Meet Mookie Pearl.

Criminal underworld? He runs in it.

Supernatural underworld? He hunts in it.

Nothing stops Mookie when he’s on the job. But when his daughter takes up arms and opposes him, something’s gotta give…

File Under: Urban Fantasy, Family Matters, When Underworlds Collide, Thrill of the Hunt, Chips and Old Blocks

kevin recommends
The Blue Blazes
by Chuck Wendig

This weird, wild, violent, dangerous, almost-fantasy, New York setting is pure Chuck Wendig.

Mookie Pearl is to the gangland thug what Miriam Black is to the care home nurse. If this is what happens when Chuck Wendig is given free rein to create his own universe and populate it with strange gods, demons and magic, then I want more of it!

Read it and the sequel. Well done Chuck!

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  • EPUB format
  • ISBN 9780857663368
  • Publisher: Angry Robot
  • Published: 27 May 2013
  • File Size 446.7 KB


  • Added 3 Mar 2017

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