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"Salt" was originally published in the Fallen World anthology "From the Ashes," and introduced Dr. Elias Mayhew to the post-apocalyptic world. He and his daughter Helen will return in the upcoming Fallen World novel, "Salt in the Wound," coming later this year.

After the world fell, pockets of survivors managed the best they could. On Martha's Vineyard, they managed better than many others thanks to their resident mad scientist. Elias Mayhew once worked for one of the corporations that brought about the end of the world, and he'd stolen all the materials necessary to build an apocalypse-proof society. But no one can plan for everything, and twenty years later, some old debts come due.

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  • Published: 1 Jan 101
  • File Size 58.1 KB


  • Added 30 Jun 2022

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