Saga #1 cover image.
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Saga #1



Y: THE LAST MAN writer BRIAN K. VAUGHAN returns to comics with red-hot artist FIONA STAPLES for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Star Wars-style action collides with Game of Thrones-esque drama in this original sci-fi/fantasy epic for mature readers, as new parents Marko and Alana risk everything to raise their child amidst a never-ending galactic war. The adventure begins in a spectacular DOUBLE-SIZED FIRST ISSUE, with forty-four pages of story!

kevin recommends
Saga #1
by Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples

Created by writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples, Saga is a beautifully intimate space opera.

It touches on race, religion, conflict, family and love, with a deft hand and imagery that is just sublime.

Proof that Image Comics' creator-owned approach really works. These are the kinds of stories that comics were made for.

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  • EPUB format
  • ISBN 1234234534567
  • Publisher: Image Comics
  • File Size 33.0 MB


  • Added 23 May 2018

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