Oraiáphon (Empire's Legacy) cover image.
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Oraiáphon (Empire's Legacy)



Can a musician heal, when a physician cannot?

In the aftermath of war, Sorley - Lord Sorley of Gundarstorp - is called upon to be many things: translator, diplomat, advisor to two leaders.

The treaty that won peace has brought new danger: a corrupt official with enormous power. The only man whose subtle mind could counter this threat - the man Sorley loves - is dying. His death will leave a woman bereaved, a child fatherless, and a country defenceless.

Can Sorley's music convince the gods to spare a life - and if so, at what cost?

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  • EPUB format
  • Publisher: Arboretum Press
  • Published: 27 Jun 2020
  • File Size 409.8 KB


  • Added 24 Jan 2024

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