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Lady of the Seven Suns

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"Twisting with life...warmth and chaos and squabbles, tears and laughter. And over it all soars the beautifully depicted, utterly chaste love story between Giacoma and her spiritual mentor." Discovering Diamonds

Giacoma is the only woman present at the death of Saint Francesco of Assisi. The only woman allowed inside his friary. And the only woman Francesco calls Brother.

After tragedy shatters Giacoma's world, she needs Francesco to save her sanity and her faith. He and his fledgling brotherhood need her support to survive in a world alien to their values. When the wealthy Roman noblewoman becomes benefactress, follower, and loyal friend to the holy man who vows to own nothing at all, two lives take an unexpected turn.

Based on the life of a real woman, Lady of the Seven Suns traces the profound friendship between these two unlikely companions. One becomes known throughout the world, while the other fades into obscurity.

This is her story.

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  • EPUB format
  • ISBN 9781733993319
  • Published: 1 Jan 101
  • File Size 1.1 MB


  • Added 23 Mar 2025

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