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Kindred Rites



“…we are all Death’s pupils, we practitioners—students of the great healer.”

When magic broke free in my blood, I chose to follow our ancient family path and become a practitioner. I’m learning to heal, and to protect innocents. I dip into minds, stalk vampires, and set wards by the light of the moon. I can hear the children of the night calling.

But there are other families…and other paths. Families with twisted ambitions and frightening powers. On the frontier, folk whisper that one clan is the most dangerous of all.

Chief among those dark sorcerers is a man known as the Keeper of Souls.

And now he wants to keep mine.

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  • EPUB format
  • ISBN 9781611383546
  • Publisher: Book View Cafe
  • Published: 21 Jan 2014
  • File Size 718.4 KB


  • Added 9 Mar 2022

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