Even When the World Has Told Us We Have Ended cover image.
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Even When the World Has Told Us We Have Ended



A Muse and its client reinvent the story of Rapunzel after their death.

kevin recommends
Even When the World Has Told Us We Have Ended
by Cat Hellisen

If you haven't read any of Cat Hellisen's books before, read this first.

A beautifully crafted tale. Otherwordly, sinister, near-horror, it has sides and edges I couldn't grasp, as my eyes slid off them, unable to focus while it slowly insinuated its pages, paragraphs, sentences, words, and letters into my brain.

A MUST READ, and it will only be the beginning of your journey!

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  • EPUB format
  • File Size 139.7 KB


  • Added 2 Jan 2020

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