An Introduction to the World of Still Water Bay
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Hidden along the Georgia coastline, on the edge of Still Water Bay, lurks the small town of Still Water. Surrounded by dark waters, forest, lurking shadows, and abandoned logging camps, it awaits the conclusion of an epic battle between good and evil. A battle which will decide the fate of not only the town, but the world as we know it.
The only ones who can keep evil at bay and protect the town are a group of every day townsfolk, patrons of the local library. Called by destiny to serve, they are The Guild. Together they fight evil spawned from a world beneath the waves as well as the surge of human killers and cultists who seek dark power through bloody sacrifice. But there is more than just darkness in the water. More than just evil.
The only ones who can keep evil at bay and protect the town are a group of every day townsfolk, patrons of the local library. Called by destiny to serve, they are The Guild. Together they fight evil spawned from a world beneath the waves as well as the surge of human killers and cultists who seek dark power through bloody sacrifice. But there is more than just darkness in the water. More than just evil.
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- EPUB format
- Publisher: Crystal Lake Publisher
- Published: 1 Jan 101
- File Size 751.9 KB
- Added 21 Dec 2020