A God Against the Gods cover image.

A God Against the Gods

To Read


The sweeping chronicle of a great and tragic pharaoh who lost his throne for the love of a God.

In the glory of ancient Egypt, an epic of a royal family divided, bloody power ploys, and religious wars that nearly tore apart one of the greatest empires in human history.

AKHENATEN: The dream-filled King of Egypt, who dared to challenge the ancient order of his people and dethrone the jeslous dieties of his land for the glory of one almighty God.

NEFERTITI: The most beautiful woman in the world, bred from birth to be the Pharaoh’s devoted lover—and to follow him anywhere, even in his tortured obsessions.

“Drury’s best book”—Fort Worth Star Telegram

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  • EPUB format
  • Publisher: Word Fire Press
  • Published: 12 Jan 2015
  • File Size 950.3 KB


  • Added 1 Mar 2017

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