Time: Complete Short Fiction Volume 3
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Time is the third in a three-volume set of the Complete Short Fiction of Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author Robert J. Sawyer. Introduction by Edward M. Lerner.These 10 stories include "Just Like Old Times" which won both the Aurora Award for science fiction, the Arthur Ellis Award for mystery, as well as being a finalist for the Japanese Seiun Award for best foreign short story. Also includes the Hugo and Nebula Award finalist "Identity Theft."All these stories either involve time travel, or are set in the future. They are all Science Fiction. Each story has an introduction by Sawyer.There are Morlocks, a noir detective on Mars, emails from the future, immortality, and several dinosaurs.The first short-fiction volume is Earth, the second is Time.
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- MOBI format
- ISBN 9781988415215
- Publisher: SFWRITER.COM Inc.
- Published: 4 Sep 2019
- File Size 1.5 MB
- Added 11 Mar 2022