Store your Kindle AZW3 ebooks with Libreture

Have you downloaded all your Kindle ebooks and are wondering where and how to keep them safe? Libreture now supports your Kindle AZW3 ebook files!

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As you're likely aware, Amazon recently disabled direct downloads of purchased ebooks from readers' Amazon website accounts.

This meant readers with older Kindles, or who read ebooks on devices other than Amazon ereaders or apps, had to jump through hoops to get hold of the ebooks they'd already paid for. They also have to keep these ebooks safe somewhere, backing them up. This is where Libreture can help.

Libreture is Dropbox meets Goodreads for your ebooks!

Kindle ebooks directly downloaded from your Amazon website account come in the older AZW3 format. It's basically a Mobi format ebook file (What type of book file do I need?). In fact, you only have to change the file suffix from .azw3 to .mobi for it to work perfectly as a Mobi ebook. Rather than ask you to change the filename for all your ebooks, you can now upload all your AZW3 ebook files to your FREE Libreture library, as long as they're DRM-free. (What's DRM?)

They will appear as book entries in your private library. The covers will look gorgeous (unlike sideloaded ebooks on your Kindle wink). And you can track your reading activity by changing the status of each book.

What's more, you can download your ebooks to read on whatever device or app you like, by downloading directly from the book's page, through your personal OPDS feed, or even send ebooks to your Kindle straight from your library!

Why choose Libreture?

With Libreture you get 500MB of storage space free forever (good for hundreds of ebooks), and can easily upgrade if you need more room.

Need more room? Here’s a special coupon for everyone with more than 500MB of ebooks from Amazon and looking for a home for them.

Get 50% OFF a WHOLE YEAR of Extra ebook space with Libreture!

Use promotion code:


when upgrading to get 50% off for 12 months.

Happy Reading,

kevin's avatarKevin
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