Feedback, Feature Requests & the Roadmap

Being more transparent at Libreture is one thing. Listening to readers is something else. That's why you can now suggest new features, report bugs, and help inform the Libreture roadmap.

Blog Dev Update

In the July update, I described how I wanted to be more transparent with what me and Ashley are up to at Libreture. The new Status page is a part of that - proudly displaying when the site's up-and-running, and when there are issues or downtime, planned or otherwise. A status page demonstrates trust in our product and in our visitors and users. The other side of the transparency discussion is about listening to our users - or as I like to call you: readers.

And listening is what the Libreture Feedback site is all about!

Feature Requests

What do you want to see on Libreture?

Is there a feature or change you think would improve Libreture? Let everyone know by visiting the Feedback site and submitting a feature request!

Submitting a feature request allows everyone to vote it up the rankings - helping me and Ashley see what readers consider the most useful potential features. We'll reply with questions, clarifications, and our thoughts. And we could end up deciding to investigate it further and shift it into our planned development. You get updates to your inbox on any changes to the status or replies to your request, and features that are added into our plans appear on the Libreture Roadmap.


The roadmap is a list of our planned work, new features, changes and our general direction.

You can see what's Under Review, Planned, In Progress, and Complete. I've already added in existing Roadmap items from our static roadmap page, and a few I received over e-mail, so now it's over to you.

Submit a feature, and let's see what you come up with!


The feedback site isn't only for new features, it works for reporting bugs too!

You can report a bug just as easily as suggesting a new feature. If you spot anything that isn't working as you expect, and isn't mentioned on the Status page, please report it. It all helps ensure Libreture is working properly for everyone... and saves me a lot of worry. Just like Feature Requests, you'll receive e-mail updates to your bug reports.


A blog post isn't always the best place to mention changes to Libreture. Sometimes a simple update to readers is all that's needed.

You've probably seen little notification tools on a number of online services you use. They list changes to the service, bug fixes, updates and new features. This is a Changelog, and we have one!

As well as a page on the Feedback site, you may also have spotted a little bell icon when you're logged-in.

Click on it to see a list of recent changelog entries.

Clicking on an entry expands it, so you can read the full post.

The little notification dot on the bell icon means there's a new entry. It's possible to connect this to each reader's account, so it knows if there's anything new you haven't read, and only notifies you of unread entries. There are privacy implications to this, so I want to see if an opt-in will work before turning it on.


This is all to say that I want to build a thriving community around reading ebooks, supporting independent ebookshops, authors and publishers, and each other.

Expect more news on all sorts of updates soon, and in the meantime:

Happy Reading,

kevin's avatarKevin
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