The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination cover image.

The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination

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JoinUrsula K. Le Guin as she explores a broad array of subjects, ranging fromTolstoy, Twain, and Tolkien to women's shoes, beauty, and family life. With hercustomary wit, intelligence, and literary craftsmanship, she offers a diverseand highly engaging set of readings. TheWave in the Mindincludes some of Le Guin's finest literary criticism, rare autobiographicalwritings, performance art pieces, and, most centrally, her reflections on thearts of writing and reading.From BooklistLe Guin is stimulating company. A profoundly creative and prolific fiction writer who has won a half-dozen major awards and enticed readers to science fiction who otherwise might not have ventured into that fantastic terrain, she is also a forthright, incisive, and funny essayist. In her second nonfiction collection, a piquant, morally lucid, and enlivening volume graced with a well-chosen phrase of Virginia Woolf's, Le Guin considers the pleasures and significance of reading, the true meaning of literacy, the power of the imagination, and the writer's responsibility. On a memoiristic note, she remembers her anthropologist father and Native American family friends. On the literary plane, she praises libraries as sacred places that embody freedom, pays homage to Borges and Twain, dissects the assumptions behind the designation "creative nonfiction," and analyzes the "rhythms of prose." And Le Guin is breathtakingly hilarious on the subjects of age, beauty, and womanhood. Candid, earthy, and deeply involved in the human experience, Le Guin is artist, mentor, and friend. Donna SeamanCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reservedReview"Essential reading for anyone who imagines herself literate and/or socially concerned or who wants to learn what it means to be such."—Library Journal "What a pleasure it is to roam around in Le Guin's spacious, playful mind. And what a joy to read her taut, elegant prose."—Erica Jong

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  • EPUB format
  • Publisher: Shambhala Publications
  • Published: 14 Jan 2013
  • File Size 507.1 KB


  • Added 28 Nov 2022

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