Changing Planes cover image.

Changing Planes

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"Then came a child trotting to school with his little backpack. He trotted on all fours, neatly, his hands in leather mitts or boots that protected them from the pavement; he was pale, with small eyes, and a snout, but he was adorable."— from Changing PlanesThe misery of waiting for a connecting flight at an airport leads to the accidental discovery of alighting on other planes—not airplanes but planes of existence. Ursula Le Guin's deadpan premise frames a series of travel accounts by the tourist-narrator who describes bizarre societies and cultures that sometimes mirror our own, and sometimes open puzzling doors into the alien.Winner of the PEN/Malamud for Short Stories

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  • EPUB format
  • Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Published: 1 Jan 101
  • File Size 8.0 MB


  • Added 28 Nov 2022

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