Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences
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From Library JournalA spirited, gracefully polemical introduction and the final story, "She Unnames Them," frame this collection of fiction and poetry, placing it in a natural but unsentimental light. These are not really "talking animal" stories: they are about human apprehension of natural creation (including rocks and plants) and the relations this apprehension governs; or, how communication makes communities. Seven of ten stories and seven of 19 poems having already been published, while a couple of pieces read like working drafts. Among the best pieces is the title story; like many of the others, it works its effect through a reversal of the usual (human) point of view. Patricia Dooley, formerly with Drexel Univ., PhiladelphiaCopyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc. Product DescriptionA collection by an award-winning author includes ten short tales, eighteen poems, and the title story in which a child survives a plane crash and enters a Dream Time of primitive myths and an all-knowing coyote. Reissue.
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- EPUB format
- ISBN 9780451454348
- Publisher: Roc Trade
- Published: 2 Jan 1987
- File Size 167.3 KB
- Added 28 Nov 2022