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The End of the Story



Published in chronological order, with extensive story and bibliographic notes, this series not only provides access to stories that have been out of print for years, but gives them a historical and social context. Series editors Scott Conners and Ronald S. Hilger excavated the still-existing manuscripts, letters and various published versions of the stories, creating a definitive "preferred text" for Smith's entire body of work. This first volume of the series, brings together 25 of his fantasy stories, written between 1925 and 1930, including such classics as "The Abominations of Yondo," "The Monster of the Prophecy," "The Last Incantation" and the title story.

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  • EPUB format
  • ISBN 9781597803625
  • Publisher: Night Shade Books
  • Published: 1 Jan 2006
  • File Size 807.2 KB


  • Added 27 Oct 2022

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