Updated Privacy Policy

Libreture has an updated privacy policy. Learn a bit more and find out why Libreture does things its own way.

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With GDPR becoming enforceable from the 25th of May, 2018, you've likely had your fill of updated privacy policies, consent forms and amended Ts & Cs.

But I'd recommend taking a close look at exactly who has your data and what they're doing (or hoping to do) with it.

When it comes to Libreture, the updated Libreture Privacy Policy covers the details, but it's worth knowing the principles behind it:

  1. Only collecting the very minimum personal data needed to operate the service
  2. Private by default - Public by choice

Minimum Personal Data

Libreture is a paid service. So why on earth would it need loads of information about you?

There's a reason the income generated from Libreture (a.k.a. 'my biscuit money') comes from paying members. If the people who use a service are not charged for it directly, they're charged for it indirectly. This usually comes in the form of advertising. How's that working out for companies this week? Take a look at The GDPR Hall of Shame for examples.

I believe a more sustainable model is to charge members a sensible fee to cover running costs and bring in a reasonable profit. (I'm still working on the latter. wink)

Indirect charges—such as advertising—require lots of rich, targeted data to work well (i.e. bring in lots of money). Most online services do not need to collect that kind of data to actually deliver the service itself, so they track users surreptitiously to increase the information they hold. Have you noticed the number of US-based newspaper sites that have closed their doors to EU visitors in the last few days? It says a lot about what they were tracking, doesn't it?

Libreture only asks for personal data that's relevant to delivering the service.

I don't even want your real name if you don't want to provide it. Some cool username/handle/tag that all the cyber kidz call you is fine by me.

That should be fine for plenty of other online services too, right? t doesn't look like it. And GDPR is proving the perfect tool to weed them out.

Private by default - Public by choice

Your reading activity data is just that: YOURS.

I spend enough time keeping track of my own reading activity (which is easy, thanks to the fantastic features built into Libreture. wink), let alone watching what you're reading as well.

The books you read are your own business, and are always private unless you choose to share that information. Libreture works great as a private book management tool. Remember that you can also lock individual books to keep them hidden even if you make the rest of your library public.

If you do decide to make your library public I'll be all over it - looking for great books to buy and enjoy. Hopefully loads of others will be taking a look too, and finding some fantastic drm-free bookshops to buy from.


If you're currently on your free trial and choose to become a paying member after 30 days, you'll be helping cover the cost of running Libreture. That means I have absolutely no reason to collect creepy data on you to sell to others or use for advertising.

It's just you, Libreture, and loads of great books to read.


Take a closer look at the updated Libreture Privacy Policy and feel free to ask questions.

You can get in touch via:


Happy (and private) Reading,

My Library

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