Featured Bookshop: Weightless Books

Our latest featured bookshop is the excellently-stocked and subscriber-friendly Weightless Books.

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"Weightless Books is an independent ebooksite devoted to DRM-free ebooks of all sorts.

We are excited by ereaders which allow the printed pages which we publishers spend so long making pretty, clear, and readable, to be read onscreen."

Opening for business in March 2010, Weightless Books has grown organically ever since. As well as stocking an amazing and broad selection of novels, novellas and anthologies, they're also the place for digital magazine subscriptions.

The E-Newsagent

I remember subscribing to magazines at my local village newsagent when I was a kid. Weightless have revived my joy at discovering new magazines and getting excited about them. Every. Single. Month.

From Clarkesworld Magazine, Lightspeed, and Uncanny, to Apex, NY Review of Science Fiction, and Interzone, to Locus, Nightmare, Lackington's and much more - Weightless has 'your thing' covered. Issues are available to buy individually or as a brilliantly handy subscription.

If you own a Kindle, Weightless will automatically deliver each new issue direct to your e-reader. A great service that reduces the usual friction we DRM-free readers experience when buying our books.

Great deals

Their regular Subscription Drives are a fantastic time to subscribe to one (or more) magazines.

Along with saving money, Weightless regularly provide excellent incentives for starting or renewing a subscription. I discovered Richard Parks' Yamanda novels thanks to a money off deal on Prime Books a few years ago when buying a Clarkesworld subscription. That led me to the subsequent novels and introduced me to a new favourite author.

Their deals are a great way to incentivise regular subscriptions and support the amazing work of magazine editors and contributing authors. Without the tireless work of Weightless Books, I'm sure many journals and specialist fiction magazines would suffer.

Take a look

If your e-book tastes range into science-fiction, fantasy, steampunk, weird, dark, horror or just damn fine creative work, Weightless is well worth a look.

After considering buying direct from the creators, Weightless should also be your next port-of-call for any and all speculative fiction digital magazines.

With Amazon demanding greater and greater 'discount' for publishers, supporting shops like Weightless Books ensures that small presses and independent publishers will continue to exist into the future.


Happy Reading,


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